I Choose

Experiencing God Together

Have you ever wondered why you believe what you believe? Have you ever just taken a moment and thought about it without the deep apologetic reasons?

I believe because I can. I can choose. I could choose not to, but how can you look into the night sky filled with unbelievable amounts of stars and not know that they came from somewhere? How can I look at a giraffe and not think some creative someone had something to do with that? I can choose to believe because in creation I see that a creative design is apparent. There is no way something blew up and all this intricate design just fell into place. It would be much more difficult to believe that (I see my son’s room – no way!)

I believe because I want to. I want to know that someone higher than myself has it all under control. I want to know that a Sovereign God has my back and takes care of me. I want to know that my prayers are listened to and being answered. And what is more, I know they are. My pleas to the air could not produce such profoundly detailed and intricate answers to the pleadings of my heart. It is too coincidental. Air doesn’t hear and respond.

I believe because I see him at work in the world around me. Say what you want about all the natural things that happen, I choose to believe that God is still alive and well. There is a reason for all the natural disasters that happen in our world today; I can’t tell you what they are, but they do get our attention, don’t they? After the Old Testament and Jesus’ ascension into Heaven, I truly don’t believe they didn’t decide to sit back and watch from then on. We just don’t seem to want to give God credit for intervening anymore.

My thoughts may be simple and not very rational to some, but that’s ok. I believe because I know without doubt that God is with me, He is alive and well, and there is nothing that can convince me otherwise. If you don’t believe, try looking around…ever see a more beautiful scene than the ocean, the mountain tops, or a child speaking to you? He’s all around us, every day! It may not be all that scientific, but it really doesn’t have to be hard.

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